I’m waiting….

You might think that you have seen this picture before, but you haven’t. You have seen a similar picture before, but not this particular one.


This picture shows what I do every time one of my staff members goes near the fridge. I notice when they do that, and just in case I will take my position beside my food bowl. This way I want to make sure that if the staff member would give me food, I would get to eat it immediately.  Quite often it doesn’t happen though. You would think that everytime they open the fridge to get themselves something to eat, they would remember they have a cat to feed too, but they don’t!  I think it’s quite unfair, that they are able to take food for themselves whenever they want, but I will get food only at certain times of the day. Hmph.

Friday and the big one

Finally I got my secretary back, but I’m still a bit upset with her. So I’m hanging out with the big one instead.

Well, as you can see my concentration is not exactly the best kind, here I am planning my next move already. But there are always things to do and places to be, so see you later and have a lovely weekend!

My secretary has a day off

So today is Thursday, and all you get is a preset blogpost from me. Today the lady of the house (who also works as my secretary) has a day off from my work, since she has to work the WHOLE day for her other job. I think it’s annoying, but what can I do. Maybe this was the reason behind yesterday’s tuna sticks…


So, this is me today, staring at a blank computer and nothing is happening. But tomorrow is a new day, and I hope to get my secretary back where she belongs by then.

More treats!!

OMC I must have been very good and nice because today the lady of the house brought me even more treats!!

What on earth is that?

Maybe I should smell it…

Tuna stick!!! YES!!! D-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!!!
This is actually starting to be almost too good to be true, and I’m starting to have doubts on what the lady of the house is planning to do in the near future… Is she trying to bribe me for some reason…? Well, what the heck, I’m too excited to worry about that, I’ll just enjoy my tuna stick now.

About a chair

We have a nice chair here in the house, and usually one needs to be fast to be able to reserve it to ones use. The chair even spins, and it has a very soft and comfortable cushion on it. The following incidents took place the other day here in my mansion.

One of the kids was chilling in the above mentioned chairs, just taking it easy. Then he had something else he needed to do somewhere, and guess who took advance of the situation?
Yes, me of course! The kid was a bit annoyed when he came back and pretended to be angry with me. As if I would understand / care.
But really, we are good friends, the kids and me. He was fine with the takeover of the chair and let me have a good nap on it.


OMC, this is a historical day for me! This is the day when I got official treats for cats for the first time!! OMC they were good!

The lady of the house had bought me TWO different kinds of treats; some dry stuff with a taste of salmon (great stuff!!) and some milky catmint bites (not that great stuff). The salmon squares were DELICIOUS! I could live with that stuff! Here you can see me enjoying the salmon treats, I almost ate the fingers of the lady of the house because I was in such a hurry to get more treats from her hand.


I almost couldn’t believe my luck today, when I saw leftover food on the table. The lady of the house turned her back for one second, and that was enough for me! 

Delicious!!! It was pork sauce with rice, and there was some very juicy bites left for me. The smallest members of the staff   sometimes leave som food on their plates, suits me sir!!

I can’t believe it…

…the lady of the house is STILL cleaning up upstairs. I just went there and checked. The vacuum cleaner is still on.

Just how long can a clean-up take! I’d better find a peaceful and quiet spot somewhere on the downstairs and take a nap. I hope I’ll be having something more interesting to tell you soon, I’m falling asleep reading this stuff myself!